BTS member Jungkook's stocks were stolen through hacking the month after he enlisted in the South Korean military, his agency announced.
On the 22nd, local media outlets such as News1 reported that BIG HIT MUSIC, the management company of BTS, revealed that shortly after Jungkook enlisted in the South Korean military, his stocks had been hacked and stolen. The culprit who hijacked Jungkook's account has not yet been caught.
In an interview with News1 on the same day, the company said, "After our company and the artist became aware of the criminal activity in January last year, we immediately took steps to suspend payments on the account and restore the situation to its original state, preventing any substantial damage."
They also stated, "In addition to legal action, we have taken measures to strengthen security for artists' personal information and device-related information and have taken steps to prevent recurrence."
Jungkook is scheduled to enlist in December 2023 and be discharged in June of this year.
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