Kis-Kento Senga "Because he's not well-regarded by society," STARTO's Fukuda president praises him, saying he's "trustworthy as a person," and he's supporting him to hold solo exhibition

Kis-My-Ft2 and Kento Senga (34) held a press conference for their solo exhibition "FiNGAiSM in Shibuya" (March 23-April 12) at Creative Space Akademeia21 Harajuku in Shibuya, Tokyo on March 22. He revealed that his art activities are also pushed by Jun Fukuda, 59, CEO of STARTO ENTERTAINMENT, to which he belongs, and he lined up words of praise for Mr. Fukuda, saying, "I trust him as a person.

Even within the agency, which is filled with popular idols, Senga's art activities are unusual. Behind them is strong support from President Fukuda. Ahead of his fifth solo exhibition, Senga himself said, "Fukuda isn't seen very well by the public, so I want to say something positive," and continued to "defend" Fukuda, saying, "(The media) is writing things that aren't true, but he's a really nice person. All the talents are being helped."

Fukuda took over as the head of the current organization from the old Johnnys Entertainment. Senga emphasized, "Fukuda also likes art and is always willing to listen to my concerns. He has helped me a lot since I became president."

She said that she had doubts about whether she should be involved in art activities, but even so, she said, "(President Fukuda) is one of the people who has paved the way for me to give form to my talent. There are talents that should be given form and talents that shouldn't. He has the ability to distinguish between them. He pushes me with all his might when it's something I should do, and I trust him as someone to consult with."

The theme of his fifth solo exhibition is "Essence of Love". This time, for the first time, he will also be selling his art works, with some pieces priced at around 3.5 million yen on display. The first day, the 23rd, is his 34th birthday, and he has resolved to "see how far he can go on the road of contemporary art, and to keep going in earnest and seriously try to grab the world's most recognized character." He has also decided to hold a solo exhibition in London, England in October. As a group, he expressed his enthusiasm for expanding overseas as a "two-sword style" by saying, "When we make good music, we hope to have the world firmly in our sights."










  1. Koki,「お庭でのんびり」投稿で驚きの事実! ここは公園でなく、自宅だった

  2. 板野友美「また『整形した』とか言われる」顔の腫れを説明 野球選手の夫と「別れろ」コメには「ひどい」

  3. 「どんどん綺麗になっていく」もはや面影が…15歳で金メダルから7年 ザギトワの新ビジュアルに衝撃 白のオフショルで「心拍数と血圧が」

  4. 「クジャクのダンス」一瞬映った名刺に→まさか黒幕の本名か 阿南検事「あの人」とも共通点→息子が弁護士

  5. Koki, おシャレな自宅入り口でヴィトンコーデ 姉Cocomiが撮影 小顔感スゴっ

