"How old?" "So young" Princess Tenko appears on Kaminuma TV → Hints about buried treasure cause a stir "She appeared lol" Her striking visuals "It's been a while since I've seen her" "What's up with her eyelashes?"
On the 23rd, a guest appeared on Yomiuri TV "Kaminuma and Takada's Kugizuke!" for the first time in 10 years.
Princess Tenko, who is in the news for having buried treasure in six locations across Japan, appeared on the show. She appeared in a see-through white outfit with long black hair and a large butterfly hair accessory.
Emiko Kaminuma delighted, "He actually exists!", and revealed that Tenko performs 300 shows a year around the world and currently lives in Italy.
The photo has also become a hot topic on the Internet, with many posting comments such as, "It's been a while since I've seen this," "What's with the eye makeup?", "She appeared lol," "Her makeup is very modern," "How old is she?", "What's up with her eyelashes?", "Glad to see she looks healthy," "She looks so young," and "Amazing, the first false eyelashes since Fukurai Suzuko lol."
The studio erupts in excitement when he gives a hint about buried treasure. He claims that even just one of them is enough to last a lifetime.
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