Nao is enthusiastic about starring in a play about a Japanese woman who married into the U.S. after the war, "I want to convey this story to both my generation and the younger generation."
Actress Nao (30) appeared on stage to greet viewers at the documentary film "War Bride: A 91-Year-Old War Bride" in Tokyo on the 23rd.
This work is a film adaptation by director Ryutaro Kawashima, the nephew of Keiko Hearn, who married a US soldier at the age of 20 in 1951 and crossed the ocean. It was a special re-screening for the first time since 2023 as a "special project for the 80th anniversary of the end of the war." In August, a stage play based on this work will be performed starring Nao.
Nao met Keiko in the US in January and accompanied her to her husband Frank's grave. "Keiko loved flowers. That's why I chose a floral outfit today," she said. "I'm sure back then, it was a time when you couldn't even pick a single flower you liked. Now, when I go home, I have my favorite flowers in my favorite vase. I wonder why I'm living in such an era. I want to do my best on stage so that I can convey this to people of my generation and to the hopeful younger generation."
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