Nicole Fujita, who is graduating, thanks everyone on "Hirunandesu!" for being a regular on the show for eight years: "Everyone taught me how to do food reports"
On the 24th, model Nicole Fujita graduated from Nippon TV 's "Hirunandesu!", a show she had been a regular on for eight years.
At the end of the program, Fujita gave a graduation speech, and expressed her memories of the program, saying, "I remember the location shoot right after I became a regular. I had never done a food report before, so everyone taught me..." She also showed a video of her first food report from eight years ago, where she was eating meat and saying, "It's delicious!"
Kiyotaka Nambara sent a message saying, "You have energized the show with your Nicorun Beam since you were a teenager, and as you have gotten older you have become more and more refined, and now you no longer have the Nicorun Beam but a happy aura...Thank you for all your years."
Fujita said with a smile about her graduation, "It's thanks to Hirunandesu that people got to know me. It's thanks to Hirunandesu that people recognized me and said, 'I'm watching you!' I'm graduating, but I'm still going to work hard."
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