Knights' Hanawa, who suffered a facial fracture, returns to NHK with a face swollen and looking like a different person. He disguises himself with black glasses, but the scars on his cheeks and the dents look painful.
NHK BS "Kyu-Ji-En" aired on February 23, and Knights Nobuyuki Hanawa appeared on the program for the first time since his injury, which occurred on the night of February 25 when he tripped over a gutter and hit his face hard, breaking a bone during a pilgrimage to a holy place for the drama "Hot Spot" in Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Prefecture. He was discharged from the hospital on March 8 and returned to the show on March 10 on Nippon Broadcasting System's "Knights the Radio Show".
The theme of the day was "Transfers." Acting Editor-in-Chief Hanawa appeared wearing eye-catching, thick-framed black glasses and said, "There's something wrong with the video. Today's theme is 'Facial Fractures'..." The studio erupted in laughter. Guest Hikaru Ijuin retorted, "You should have done that by yourself..." Hanawa stood up and bowed, saying, "I'm sorry!", which caused another round of laughter. An explanation was displayed on screen saying, "Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will be changing the conference room and broadcasting this program."
Although he hides the swelling with glasses and heavy makeup, his whole face is swollen and looks like a different person, especially on the right side, and his right eye is also swollen. There is a several centimetre scar on his right cheek, which appears to be from surgery, and the area is sunken and painful to look at. Nevertheless, Hanawa remains cheerful, making everyone laugh by saying, "I'm wearing glasses today. Just like (former Chunichi, now Giants) Raidel Martinez..."
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