Nagisa Watanabe, who quit Fuji TV and announced that she has PTSD, watches her favorite handsome volleyball player live, wearing his uniform and staring at him from up close♥
It has been revealed that former Fuji Television announcer Nagisa Watanabe attended the men's volleyball SV League held at the Budokan in Okazaki Central General Park, Aichi last weekend.
On the 23rd, she uploaded a video to her Instagram story taken at court level, near the front row of the venue, reporting that she had watched the live match between JTEKT STINGS Aichi and Bulleteon Osaka, which was held at the same venue on the 22nd and 23rd.
Her favorite is 195cm tall Torey DeFalco (27), a handsome man from JTEKT who also represented the United States at the Paris Olympics and won a bronze medal, and she posted a photo of herself wearing the uniform with DeFalco's number 23 on it, with DeFalco's face printed on it and one side cut out so that they could take a two-shot photo together. She revealed that she was a big fan of her favorite.
Watanabe began feeling unwell in June 2011, and was hospitalized in July of the same year. In August of last year, she watched the men's volleyball match live at the Paris Olympics. She left Fuji TV at the end of August and announced her PTSD in October.
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