Aya Ueto, mother of three, looks like a flower garden! She appears in a spring-like dress and her beautiful skin is sparkling.
Actress Aya Ueto (39) attended the new CM launch event for the new product "Meiji W Skincare Yogurt" in Tokyo on the 25th. Although she is a mother of three who balances work and childcare, she showed off her beauty in a spring-like dress with colorful flowers on it. She revealed her private life and showed us her motherly side.
She said she gets up at 6 a.m., and laughed bitterly, "My third child is very energetic, so he wakes me up early." She said that she is "always busy at home" with housework and childcare, but revealed that to maintain her beauty, "my family also drinks Meiji products."
This day was a good day for a walk. As the weather gradually warmed up, "The temperature is comfortable, so it's easy to go out," she said. When asked where she wanted to go this spring, she mentioned "a big park in my hometown," and with a smile on her face, she said, "It's famous for its cherry blossoms, so I want to go cherry blossom viewing in my hometown."
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