Tokyo Dome erupts in excitement at MISAMO's opening pitch. Three people in sync form → Momo throws a no-bounce pitch. "I was so happy to be able to pitch well!"
"Preseason game, Hanshin vs Dodgers" (16th, Tokyo Dome)
The popular female group MISAMO appeared at the opening ceremony, and a huge cheer erupted from the stands.
He talked about Dodgers hats, and Rojas, Roki Sasaki served as catchers. The three pitched at the same time, and Momo showed off a brilliant no-bounce pitch.
The three commented through the tournament office. Momo said, "I'm glad I was able to pitch well!", Mina said, "I was nervous, but I had fun pitching!", and Sana commented, "It was an honor to be entrusted with the ceremonial first pitch on such a wonderful stage! Thank you!"
During pre-game practice, he appeared on the Dodgers bench and received pitching instruction from veteran pitcher Rojas. Afterwards, Rojas took a selfie with a smile on his face. He also exchanged words with pitcher Yoshinobu Yamamoto and took a commemorative photo.
MISAMO is a unit formed by the Japanese members of TWICE, Mina, Sana, and Momo. When they appeared in front of the Hanshin bench on the first base side, the Hanshin coaches took photos of them, and the players also looked on enthusiastically from the bench.
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