"Special guest" revealed at dinner hosted by Shohei Ohtani 32nd person is legendary left-handed pitcher; personality revealed in group photo with half of his face

It has been revealed that a special guest attended the players-only dinner hosted on the 16th by the Dodgers' Japanese trio Shohei Ohtani, Yoshinobu Yamamoto, and Roki Sasaki.

At the venue, a tuna cutting demonstration was held, and Ohtani posted a picture of the excitement on his Instagram. Manager Roberts, who was interviewed the following day on the 17th, said with a smile, "Many of the players said it was the best meal they had ever had. All 31 players gathered together and had a great time. The players' bonds deepened and they were able to become united. It was an incredibly wonderful night for the players."

31 is the number of registered members of the tour according to MLB regulations, but the group photo released by Ohtani has 32 players. If you look closely, you can see half of the face of legendary left-hander Kershaw, the second person to the left of Ohtani in the center. Kershaw was not included in the tour due to rehabilitation from surgery on his left knee last November, but arrived in Japan on a separate flight with his wife and four children. Before the game on the 16th, he played catch with Yamamoto and is training with a separate menu.

Two days before the season opener, all the players participated in a rally. The thoughtfulness of Ohtani and the other three who spoke to the team's longest-serving member, and the personality of Kershaw, who never stepped forward and remained modest in the commemorative photo, were evident. There was another heartwarming story hidden in the heartwarming photo of everyone smiling.








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  2. 顔面死球で負傷交代の天理・石井は仲間の反撃を胸に刻む 整列には加わらずベンチ前で礼 左目をアイシング、目の下にはガーゼの痛々しい姿

  3. 天理・捕手の頭部付近に死球→担架でベンチ裏へ 危険球に場内騒然 三回2死満塁で押し出し死球 1点を先制も四回の守備から交代

  4. 中央学院・大谷散る 練習試合で頭部ケガから3カ月…二刀流に区切り

  5. DeNAドラ1竹田 打球直撃で騒然 緊急降板 二回無死一塁で巨人・山瀬の打球が左足に当たる




