Shohei Ohtani reveals his true feelings, saying, "I was unusually nervous" He had two hits and two runs in the opening game in his home country, and thanks Freeman, who was dropped from the starting lineup, "for being on the bench"
"Cubs 1 - Dodgers 4" (18th, Tokyo Dome)
The Dodgers came from behind to win the opening game. Shohei Ohtani, who started as leadoff hitter and designated hitter, hit a single to right field in the fifth inning that led to a comeback, and in the ninth inning he hit a double down the right field line to score the winning run, finishing with two hits and two runs in five at-bats. After the game, Ohtani said, "I'm glad I did a good job in my third at-bat," and was frank about how he felt, saying, "I was unusually nervous."
The fifth inning was what changed the game. With one out, Pagez walked and reached base, and Ohtani followed with a single to right field for his first hit of the season, expanding the opportunity. As the atmosphere at Tokyo Dome changed, Edman hit a timely single to left field to tie the game. The next inning, T. Hernandez grounded out to shortstop and it looked like it was 6-4-3, but the opposing second baseman made a bad throw to first base. During this time, Otani scored to take the lead.
He scored three runs in one go to turn the game around, and in the ninth inning, he hit a double down the right field line as the leadoff hitter, and then scored on a RBI hit by T. Hernandez to seal the win. Even with the MVP trio falling apart, Ohtani fought hard and led the team to a comeback victory.
He was greeted with loud cheers during his first at-bat, and confessed his true feelings, "I don't get nervous about batting, but I was unusually nervous." He also showed some stiffness in his hooked grounder to second base. He also revealed, "I've played at the Tokyo Dome before, but only on the home side, so I thought it was difficult to prepare. I think that was an issue."
However, regarding Freeman's absence, he said, "It is difficult to manage the long flight schedule. It seemed like Freeman got injured just before the game, but he was on the bench and morale was high. Today's win will lead to tomorrow."
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