Dodgers' manager Roberts surprised: "I've never seen Shohei look so nervous before" Reveals pre-game tension; "We played quality baseball" in come-from-behind victory
"Cubs 1 - Dodgers 4" (18th, Tokyo Dome)
Dave Roberts, the Dodgers' manager, who led the team to a comeback victory in the opening game, said, "I don't often see Shohei look nervous, but he seemed a little emotional when the Japanese national anthem was playing."
Ohtani himself said that he was "unusually nervous" during his first at-bat. The manager also did not miss Ohtani's change of pace. Nevertheless, he praised the MVP for contributing to the victory, saying, "We were able to turn the game around thanks to Ohtani's hit, but I think we played high-quality baseball."
The manager praised starting pitcher Yamamoto, saying, "He pitched wonderfully. His overall quality was good, and his fastball had great extension and sharpness." Yamamoto managed to get through three consecutive pinch innings with the fewest runs allowed, and retired all three batters in the fourth inning. He immediately called on the batting line to help him out, and gave up just one run in the fifth inning, earning him the win.
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