Dodgers' Freeman takes commemorative photo on the field with his beautiful wife Chelsea and their son Charlie, who is very popular in Japan
"Cubs 1 - Dodgers 4" (18th, Tokyo Dome)
After the game, infielder Freddie Freeman, who was suddenly removed from the starting lineup due to discomfort in his left ribs, was seen posing for a commemorative photo with his family.
Chelsea and their son, Charlie, appeared on the field and took a commemorative photo with the center vision in the background. When Charlie appeared at the official practice on the 15th, the fans cheered loudly. Chelsea also posted about the situation on her social media.
During the pre-game ceremony, it was announced that he would be dropped from the starting lineup, causing a stir in the stands, but during the game, he encouraged the team on the bench. Ohtani also expressed his gratitude, saying, "I had him on the bench, and morale was high." Roberts also explained that "it is not serious," and said, "I want to check his condition tomorrow" ahead of Game 2.
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