Dodgers dinner party: Tuna cutting show, Otani takes a photo of his colleague with a big smile on his smartphone ← Team leader returns to Japan to show his rare side
The Dodgers nine, who finished their opening series against the Cubs at Tokyo Dome, arrived in Los Angeles on the 20th (19th local time). Miguel Rojas (36), the team's oldest fielder and team leader, immediately expressed his gratitude on his social media, saying, "Thank you Japan. It was an unforgettable few weeks for me and my family. I can't wait to see you all again."
In a photo taken at Tokyo Dome with his son, daughter, wife and family, his son is seen smiling as he is carried by Hanshin's mascot, Trucky. There are also videos of him showing his son how to play kendama on a chartered plane, and of him going to DisneySea and having a thick piece of meat grilled in front of him.
In addition, there is a video of the team dinner hosted by Shohei Ohtani, Yoshinobu Yamamoto, and Roki Sasaki on the night of the 16th. Yamamoto and Ohtani are seen seated at a table in the front row, and during the tuna cutting show, Ohtani is seen enthusiastically taking a video on his smartphone, and taking a rare photo of his teammates' reactions with a big smile. It is clear that Ohtani is truly enjoying the "hospitality" of the day.
もっとみるベッツのホーム開幕戦出場に黄信号 ロバーツ監督「理想的な状態でないのは確か」 原因不明の胃腸炎で朝食後に嘔吐、スタメン緊急回避
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大谷翔平が元同僚のトラウトとハグ&談笑 SNSも「やっぱりトラウタニはエモい」と反応 日本での開幕シリーズから米国に戻ってオープン戦
山本由伸と佐々木朗希の登板優先 グラスノーが米開幕3連戦を外れた理由 スネルが本拠地開幕投手 由伸29日 朗希30日米デビュー ロバーツ監督「理にかなっている」
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