Shohei Ohtani to return to the bullpen on the 30th for the first time in a month. No target for pitching appearances after returning to pitch. Manager Roberts: "Be careful. The most important thing is to be able to pitch and hit well until the end of the season."


"Preseason game, Angels vs Dodgers" (24th, Anaheim)

Pitcher Shohei Ohtani, who had been prioritizing batting practice ahead of the Tokyo Opening Series, will resume bullpen practice on the 29th (30th Japan time). Manager Roberts announced this before the game.

During the Arizona training camp, Ohtani took a break from his pitching program after throwing 30 pitches in his fourth bullpen session on February 25. He prioritized his batter training ahead of the Tokyo Opening Series on the 18th and 19th, and maintained the condition of his shoulder and elbow by playing catch.

Manager Roberts said, "I think we'll have a better idea of what the next plan will be after he pitches in the bullpen on Saturday." The timing of Shohei's return to pitching has not been made clear, but does he feel he doesn't need to pitch 20-25 times this season? When asked, Roberts said, "I think that's entirely reasonable. I'm grateful that he's preparing as a hitter after his second Tommy John surgery (September 2023) and left shoulder surgery (November last year). I understand that Shohei is playing for the long term, and we're proceeding as carefully as possible. The most important thing for 2025 is to be able to pitch and hit at the same time until the end of the season." He stressed the importance of not setting a number of appearances, allowing flexibility in pitching opportunities, and continuing his two-way role until the end of the playoffs.

On this day, Ohtani is scheduled to play as the leadoff hitter and designated hitter. Before the game, he played catch with the game ball instead of the plyoball, which he did with the Angels, at the left-center fence. At the end, he had the team staff sit down and threw 12 pitches, including a fastball, a two-seam fastball, and a splitter, with a quick pitch, at the distance between the pitcher and the base.







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