Angels' unusual "no smartphones" rule is well-received by players; players agree to manager's proposal; Ward says "it strengthens unity"

The Angels are in the spotlight for their ban on cell phones (smartphones) in the clubhouse (players' lockers). According to a team source, when manager Ron Washington, in his second year in the position, proposed it to the players, there was no opposition, so the "smartphone ban" was put into practice from spring training in February, and will continue into the regular season, which is just three days away.

In English, it could be expressed as "OLD SCHOOL (conservative, traditional style)". This rule is unthinkable in Major League Baseball, the highest level of baseball, especially in this day and age when people are so dependent on smartphones. To add a few points, team public relations personnel who need smartphones for work can use them. Even players can talk to their wives, children, family, and friends before or after a game as long as they go outside the clubhouse.

Outfielder Taylor Ward, who joined the Angels as the 26th overall pick in the first round of the 2015 draft and is one of the few home-grown players, revealed that the players had agreed to the idea during a meeting, saying, "I think it's good to be able to talk to everyone. In this day and age, if you have a smartphone nearby, you're always concentrating on it. So if you have something to do, you can just go outside and come back after you've done it. So I think it's a good idea." He also said, "It will strengthen the bond within the team, and you'll get to know each other better."

The Angels lost their mainstay pitcher and batting player, Ohtani (currently with the Dodgers), to free agency in the offseason of 2011. Last season, they suffered the worst record in the team's history with 99 losses, and finished last in their division for the first time in 25 years. It will be interesting to see whether the "smartphone ban," which is extremely rare in the majors, will lead to a stronger team.








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