Professional wrestling: DDT's Masahiro Takanashi, rushed to hospital with neck injury, suffers from a cervical fracture and spinal cord injury. "Surgery was successful and he is progressing well." The group reports that he is "receiving treatment in the intensive care unit."


On the 22nd, professional wrestling company DDT announced that Takanashi Masahiro (42), who was rushed to the hospital after suffering a neck injury during the main event of the 28th anniversary event held at Korakuen Hall on the 20th, was diagnosed with a "fracture of the C5 and C6 cervical vertebrae" and "cervical spinal cord injury" after a detailed examination. He underwent surgery on the 21st, and the company reported, "The surgery was successful, and the postoperative progress is going well. Takanashi is currently receiving treatment in the intensive care unit, and we are very sorry that we have not been able to contact those who are concerned about him. We will make an announcement regarding the future as soon as the situation is clear. We apologize to all fans for the concern, and we ask for your continued support for Takanashi."

Takanashi challenged champion Chris Brooks in the main event, the KO-D Openweight Championship. In the end, he was hit with an avalanche-style Playing Mantis Bomb (a double-arm driver technique), then dropped headfirst onto the mat in the center of the ring with a Playing Mantis Bomb, and was counted out for three. Takanashi, who appeared to have hurt his neck at the time, was unable to get up, and the ring doctor checked him immediately. Lying down in the ring, he took the microphone and said, "Thank you, DDT members and DDT fans. I love you," before being carried away on a stretcher and rushed to the hospital.







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  2. 武尊が呆然 衝撃の1回KO負け 悪夢のような80秒決着 “ムエタイの伝説”ロッタンの左フック2連発被弾で崩れ落ちる 宿命戦で無念

  3. 武尊、悪夢の80秒KO負け 解説の魔裟斗も絶句「まさか…。予想以上に早い幕切れ。驚いた」それでも「武尊がいたからONEが日本に」

  4. 啓之輔の誕生会にブレイキングダウン人気メンバー大集結 主役はお持ち帰り否定「殴られ、飲まされ、歌わされ」手荒い祝福に感謝

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  1. 「バイク似合いすぎ」朝倉未来のワイルドな姿に反響「センスが神っています!」

  2. ドジャース エドマンの奥さんが選んだ日本のお菓子 まさかの干し梅に「チョイスが最高」観光場所もド軍奥さま絶賛「BONSAI」

  3. 辻希美 次男が卒業式、三男卒園式と同じ服&鞄で着回し 次男は長男おさがりスーツ「子供の成長は早すぎる」

  4. 「クジャクのダンス」提供モールスで犯人浮上も相関図にいない…意外人物2人「守の隣に誰が?」「何故か載ってない」謎の空白と関連か

  5. 【写真】ハリウッドの名スタントマン死去 91歳 3年前まで現役として出演

