Confidence Man actress Lisa Oda marries J-Leaguer; she also posts a photo of herself in a dress
On the 1st, J1 Nagoya announced that midfielder Keiya Shihashi (27) has married actress Lisa Oda (29).
They announced on their respective Instagram accounts that they would register their marriage on an auspicious day in December of last year, along with photos of them in tuxedos and wedding dresses and a comment.
Shiihashi joined Vegalta Sendai from Funabashi Municipal High School. After playing for Kashiwa Reysol, he transferred to Nagoya Grampus in 2014. He has also been selected for the Japan U-22 national team, and last season he played in 34 league matches.
Oda works as a model and actress, and also appeared in the 2019 film "Confidence Man JP - Romance Edition."
Shiihashi: "Thank you to everyone in the Grampus family for your continued support. I am pleased to announce that I am marrying Lisa Osa who is an actress and model. From now on, I would like to walk through life with my wife and build a happy home together. I would also like to work even harder for my family and for Grampus. I would appreciate your continued warm support!"
Oda: "This is a personal matter, but I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I married Keiya Shiihashi on an auspicious day in December of last year. From now on, we will hold hands and build a happy family. I will do my best to support him, so I would appreciate it if everyone at Nagoya Grampus and in the Grampus family would continue to support me. I look forward to working with you in the future."
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