Fastest World Cup ticket in history! Japan national team coach Moriyasu calls out to supporters, "Let's all fight together in the World Cup!" Nagatomo finishes with his usual scream, "Bravo!"

"World Cup Asian Final Qualifiers, Japan 2-0 Bahrain" (20th, Saitama Stadium)

In the final qualifying round of the 2026 World Cup, which will be co-hosted by the United States, Canada, and Mexico, the Japanese national team qualified for the finals faster than ever before. They faced Bahrain, and midfielder Takefusa Kubo scored one goal and assisted one in a 2-0 victory. Japan became the fastest team outside of the host country to qualify for the World Cup, qualifying for its eighth consecutive tournament.

After the match, coach Hajime Moriyasu reflected, "Bahrain is in good condition and we knew they had a perfect strategy for us. I thought the flow would come if we just held on. We wanted to fight patiently. The players kept going." Although the decision was made with three matches remaining, he emphasized, "We will still fight to win each match. We will fight with all our might." He then called out to the supporters who had dyed Saitama Stadium blue, saying, "Thanks to your support, the players were energized. Let's all fight together in the World Cup!"

Furthermore, at the World Cup announcement ceremony, he gave a speech, thanking the players, staff, supporters, sponsors, and media, and shouted, "I'm happy to be participating in this World Cup, but I'll also work hard to improve myself further. Congratulations to everyone. Thank you very much for today." He was showered with water by the players in joy, and got soaked.

Finally, defender Nagatomo came on stage and shouted out, "Bravo, everyone!", the catchphrase that was a huge hit at the last Qatar World Cup.








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