Cubs: Shota Imanaga & Seiya Suzuki late for commemorative photo? After attending press conference, they rushed over to the photo spot, receiving huge applause from teammates. They are loved by everyone.
The Cubs' official practice was held at Tokyo Dome on the 14th. A commemorative photo session was held at the beginning, but pitcher Shota Imanaga and outfielder Seiya Suzuki were late because they were attending a press conference. However, when they ran over, their teammates erupted in applause.
A commemorative photo spot was set up with the back screen behind them. While the players and management sat and waited, the players gave a big round of applause when the two who were attending the press conference appeared. It was a scene that showed how much they were loved by their teammates.
There were fans in the infield stands that day, and when Imanaga and Suzuki appeared, they cheered. At the press conference, he himself said, "I had no idea he was such a humorous person."
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