Taiwanese cheerleaders "winning by far" on the second day of the competition, exposing their beautiful legs in white miniskirts; the third base stand was crowded with fans

"Car Next Asian Professional Baseball Championship, Australia National Team 0-6 Taiwan National Team" (17th, Tokyo Dome)

Taiwanese cheerleaders are receiving a lot of attention every day. At this tournament, the Japanese national team ``Samurai Japan'', the Korean national team, and the Taiwanese national team sent cheerleaders. Since the opening game, the Korean national team's cheerleaders have been performing dance performances on a stage set up in the infield seats when their team attacks.

On this day, the second day of the tournament, they appeared in a navy blue uniform and white miniskirt. On the first day, they showed off her beautiful legs in black shorts, and wore a top that was tied short and exposed her belly button. The third-base stands were crowded with fans, especially around the stage, hoping to catch a glimpse of her cute appearance.

This time, 10 cheerleaders from the CPBL's Chushin Brothers, Rakuten Monkeys, Weiquan Dragons, Unification Lions, and Yida Rhinos were sent to the Taiwan team. On the internet, there were many surprised comments such as ``Taiwan's cheer team won by far'', ``the seats on the third base side were packed'', and ``there were too many fans for the cheerleaders'', and many fans were seen dancing along with them in the audience seats.








  1. 上戸彩が18年ぶり始球式 首元リボンのお洒落スタイルで登場 体震わせ緊張、ワンバン投球に悔し座り込むもドームは大歓声「ワンバンしないでストライクを…」

  2. 劇的ドラマの巨人戦 バックネット最前列に著名人の姿!中継に映りまくりSNSで話題に 「真後ろに!」「試合が入ってこない」

  3. 異例 巨人戦でDAIGOが客席から国歌斉唱「皆さまと心一つに」まさかの場所での登場にどよめく

  4. 新庄ハム 清宮弾で開幕白星発進 AI予言的中「チャットGPTに今日の展望を聞いたら」

  5. 阿部巨人の底力!5点差逆転サヨナラ星 丸の代役スタメンに「正直、マジか…と」若林延長十回決めた




  1. 山本由伸 おしゃれデニムスタイルで球場入り 右手指に光るリングがアクセント 開幕2連勝なるか

  2. 大谷翔平弾で絶叫のトム・ハンクス 記入したスコアカードを公開 九回ピンチの場面は?緊迫した様子が伝わる

  3. IKKO 360平米こだわりのフルリノベ大豪邸に有吉「すごい!」センス随所に、玄関驚きの30畳

  4. 田代まさし 長男とのツーショットを公開 ファン称賛「イケメンな息子さんですね」「かっこいい~素敵な親子」

  5. 山本由伸 おしゃれデニムスタイルで球場入り 右手指に光るリングがアクセント 開幕2連勝なるか

