The second generation of Ohtani from Kofu is unveiled. Yamanashi Gakuin's Komoda throws 152 km/h in succession, matching the fastest pitch by a second-year student in the Senbatsu tournament. "I was able to throw hard," "I want to throw 160 km/h in the summer of my third year."
"2nd round of the National High School Baseball Championship, Nishinippon Junior College 11-5 Yamanashi Gakuin" (24th, Koshien Stadium)
The second generation of Ohtani from Kofu finally unveiled himself at Koshien. In the fifth inning, Yamanashi Gakuin pitcher Haruki Komoda (2nd year) took to the mound as the fourth pitcher with the score at a disadvantage of 2-8. He got the first batter, Yuyama, to hit a grounder to shortstop, and against the second batter, Ogawa, he threw a 152 km/h pitch on the fourth pitch (foul) with the count at 1-2, and then the fifth pitch (ball), which was a ball, causing a huge roar in the stadium.
In the first round against Tenri, he focused on first base and contributed to the victory with his bat, hitting two out of five at-bats, but he was eagerly awaiting the moment when he would step onto the mound, calling it a "place he had always dreamed of."
And then, on the mound, he threw fastballs from his 194cm height. He said, "I was fired up, so I was able to throw hard," and he repeatedly threw balls in the 150kmph range.
In his debut at Koshien, he pitched a superb pitch, getting nine batters out of the three innings. His pitching speed as a second-year spring player was tied with the fastest pitches by Anraku (Seibi) in 2013 and Oda (Yokohama) in this tournament. He has shown a rapid growth curve, increasing his pitching speed by 6 kilometers since last fall.
While he admires Shohei Ohtani, he has a plan for the future: "I want to improve my skills in Japanese professional baseball. I want to be a two-way player." To achieve this, Komoda said, "I want to be able to throw 160 km in the summer of my third year." He has become a hotly anticipated player in the high school baseball world.
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