Professional baseball: Number of casino users increases by one to 16 across eight teams; number of self-reporters has increased since February announcement; Secretary-General Nakamura explains, "As of the deadline of March 20th"
On the 24th, the Nippon Professional Baseball Organization announced that in response to the issue of illegal online casino users in professional baseball, it would impose fines totaling 10.2 million yen on 16 players from eight teams, including 15 players from seven teams who voluntarily reported their involvement by March 20th, and Orix's Yamaoka, whose involvement was discovered in February.
On the same day, NPB Secretary General Katsuhiko Nakamura, Hiroshima's team general manager Kiyoaki Suzuki , who serves as chairman of the board of directors for the Central and Pacific Leagues, and Rakuten Director Tomoharu Inoue held a press conference in Tokyo.
In February, Orix's Yamaoka's use was discovered. In response to this, the NPB announced that a total of 14 players from seven teams had reported their use in a February investigation that it had requested of the 12 teams. At this press conference, it was announced that one more player had reported their use, meaning that 15 players from seven teams had reported their use voluntarily by March 20th.
Regarding this, Secretary-General Nakamura explained, "The deadline is March 20th, so it will be at that point."
Regarding the breakdown of the total 10.2 million yen fine, the officials said that they would first discuss guidelines based on players' positions and annual salaries, and then each team would decide on an appropriate amount based on the results of their investigations, including the number of bets, period, frequency, amount wagered (total amount and amount per bet), and the timing of the most recent bets. Secretary-General Nakamura said, "It will be between 100,000 and 3 million yen."
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