Kendai Takasaki's Genki Ishigaki threw the fastest 155 km/h pitch in the Senbatsu tournament, "The fastball was my best," surpassing Shintaro Fujinami and others. He pitched in the eighth inning and struck out the last batter with a 155 km/h pitch.

"High School Baseball Championship Quarterfinals, Kendai Takasaki 9-1 Hanamaki Higashi" (26th, Koshien Stadium)

Genki Ishigaki (3rd year), wearing the number 1 jersey for Kendai Takasaki, pitched in the eighth inning and recorded the fastest pitch in the Senbatsu tournament at 155 km/h.

After the match, Ishigaki reflected, "Today, my straight pitch was the best, so I thought I would be able to pitch." Regarding his pitching in general, including curveballs, he said, "The accuracy is still lacking, so I'd like to work hard to improve it." He said that he had hurt his left side before the tournament, but that his current physical condition is "almost 100% healed."

The fastest pitch to date was 153 km/h, set by Takuya Hirao (Ujiyamada Commercial) in 2008 and Shintaro Fujinami (Osaka Toin) in 2012.

Ishigaki took to the mound as the third pitcher for his second game of the tournament. His first pitch to the leadoff batter was measured at 153 km/h, resulting in a grounder to second base. He threw a 155 km/h pitch to the second batter high and on the outside, and his second pitch was also high at 155 km/h. He struck him out on a fly ball to center field. He also threw a 155 km/h pitch to the next batter, but the second pitch was a hit to center field. He allowed a runner to get on base, but struck out the next batter on a swing.

In the ninth inning, he continued to throw fastballs in the 150 km/h range, and struck out the final batter with a high fastball of 155 km/h after a full count.

Ishigaki, who had hurt his left side before the tournament, made his first appearance in this tournament on the 23rd in the second round against Tsuruga Kehi, with a one-run lead in the ninth inning with two outs and a runner on first base. He hit a series of 150 km/h pitches from the first pitch onwards, holding down the last batter.

He pitched for two innings that day, and manager Aoyagi explained, "Since there was an open mound, I thought it would be better for him to pitch. I think that was good." He narrowed his eyes and said, "He pitched really well today. His condition is improving, so I'm looking forward to it. I wanted him to pitch."

Two more wins to go until they win the championship. Ishigaki vowed to win the semi-final match, saying, "First of all, we need to play the baseball we can do so that we can advance to the finals. I think it would be good if we could go to the finals first." At the same time, he said, "I think I can still get faster," and when asked if we could expect him to "break the record" by throwing a pitch faster than 155 km/h, he answered, "Yes."







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