A 48-year-old beautiful witch and mother of three, former international airline flight attendant, is grateful for winning the Grand Prix, with comments such as ``Goddess Goddess'' and ``Really beautiful.''

Misuzu Nakamura (48), who won the grand prize at the ``14th Beauty Witch Contest TOKYO'' held on the 5th, updated social media on the 6th, overnight. She expressed her gratitude.

A former flight attendant (CA) for JAL's international flights, she has three children: a boy in the second year of high school, a boy in the third year of junior high school, and a girl in the first year of junior high school. Currently, she runs a nail salon in Hyogo Prefecture.

While expressing his gratitude to those around her and those involved, she revealed, ``As I've gotten older, my way of thinking has changed a lot!'', adding, ``It's okay to be who you are, accept yourself,'' and ``Sometimes people around you... I'll do my best to do what I can without worrying about what other people think!'', referring to the beauty method.

In the comments section, congratulations and comments such as ``She's really beautiful,'' ``She's the grand prize winner by far ♥,'' and ``She looks so divine, she looks like a goddess.''

On social media, she has posted photos of her face (while wearing a mask) with glowing and beautiful skin that makes it hard to believe that she is 48 years old. She posts about gourmet lifestyles such as high-quality meat, caviar, and full-course meals, as well as wonderful lifestyles such as PRADA and Chanel.







  1. Koki,「お庭でのんびり」投稿で驚きの事実! ここは公園でなく、自宅だった

  2. 高嶋ちさ子 日ラオス親善大使に 米留学中の17歳長男はNPO発起人、外務省での式に一緒に「参列」

  3. 東京ドーム最前列で興奮!踊る神田うの 大谷初HR目撃で「悲鳴」極上席は「義父」の招待、夫は実業家

  4. Koki,「ぐるナイ」で自宅公開→せいや「ウソやん?!」「これ家?!」岡村隆史も騒然 家に見えない!

  5. 元フジアナ 元ドジャースの夫とロバーツ監督の再会を報告 監督の母のおにぎりの思い出明かし「謙虚で愛情深い人」と感謝




  1. Koki,「お庭でのんびり」投稿で驚きの事実! ここは公園でなく、自宅だった

  2. 高嶋ちさ子 日ラオス親善大使に 米留学中の17歳長男はNPO発起人、外務省での式に一緒に「参列」

  3. 東京ドーム最前列で興奮!踊る神田うの 大谷初HR目撃で「悲鳴」極上席は「義父」の招待、夫は実業家

  4. Koki,「ぐるナイ」で自宅公開→せいや「ウソやん?!」「これ家?!」岡村隆史も騒然 家に見えない!

  5. 元フジアナ 元ドジャースの夫とロバーツ監督の再会を報告 監督の母のおにぎりの思い出明かし「謙虚で愛情深い人」と感謝
