Dodgers manager Roberts praises two Hanshin players: "The balls he threw were at major league level" and "His swing doesn't lose power"
"Preseason game, Hanshin 3-0 Dodgers" (16th, Tokyo Dome)
Dodgers manager Dave Roberts, whose team was shutout defeated, praised Hanshin, saying, "They're a good team. Their defense was solid."
The pitcher who caught the manager's eye was Saiki, who started, gave up one hit and no runs in five innings, and struck out seven. And then there was Sato Teru, who hit the game-winning three-run homer. "Saiki's pitch speed was powerful. The ball he threw was at major league level. Sato is a great batter. He swung without losing power," he commented.
Regarding the young talent aiming for the majors, he said, "They were very talented. That was the case in yesterday's game against the Giants, and the players who came out of the bullpen were also great. I think they are physically at a major league level, and it's very exciting to hear the news that they are going to try out for the majors. I hope that more and more good players will come to the majors and that the top level will aim for even greater heights."
Regarding Ohtani being replaced after his second at-bat, he said, "He had good at-bats overall. He was swinging well. The second at-bat was part of the plan for today."Regarding Betts, whose health is a concern, he remained cautious, saying, "I can't say whether he'll be able to play in the opening game. He'll join practice tomorrow and we'll see how he goes."
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