KAT-TUN's Yuichi Nakamaru "Power should be decentralized" - Continuing Johnnys 's name is "a thorny path"

KAT-TUN's Yuichi Nakamaru (40) spoke on Nippon TV 's live program "Shuichi" (Sunday, 7:30 a.m.) on the 10th about the sexual assault issue of the late Johnny Kitagawa, the founder of Johnnys Entertainment. 

Nakamaru was asked for his frank opinion after the VTR of the office's press conference held on the 7th, regarding the appointment of Noriyuki Higashiyama (56) as the new president and the appointment of former president Julie Keiko Fujishima (57) as representative director. ``In the sense that all of our efforts and time will be devoted to the victims, I think it is appropriate to appoint these two people,'' he said.

He continued, "It is unlikely that Mr. Higashiyama will use his power to steer the company for personal gain," and while expressing his confidence in the new president, he said, "Power should be distributed in case of emergency. He also expressed his opinion that it would be best to have a flat lineup of people, whether they be outsiders or people familiar with the law, to manage the company.

He pointed out that "clearly changing the name of Johnny's is the appropriate path" for the continuation of the trade name, and that he "dared to take the thorny path. On the other hand, he also revealed, "I couldn't stay calm. For Nakamaru, who joined Johnny's when he was in the third grade of junior high school, the Johnny's office was "a very good organization where the seniors are very bright and give energy to many people. It was a very good organization.

``For someone who admired it and spent their life trying it, it has become an identity.However, if you think about it calmly, (from the outside) it is not that way.I would like to refrain from commenting. To be honest,'' he said, expressing his conflict.







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