Toru Tamakawa expresses concern about the Trump administration: "If tariffs are really raised, America will definitely become poorer"
On the 10th, former TV Asahi employee Toru Tamakawa appeared on TV Asahi's "Hatori Shinichi Morning Show." He expressed his opinion that the Trump administration's emphasis on imposing tariffs on other countries will "definitely make America poorer," and "there will be people who become poorer there," and predicted that the administration will correct its course at some point.
The program discussed the rifts within the Trump administration. It also touched on the fact that American citizens are protesting against Elon Musk, and Tamakawa questioned his methods, saying, "Elon Musk is saying he'll cut it to $2 trillion. That's 300 trillion yen. The US government budget is 7 trillion yen, so he's saying he'll cut it by a quarter. There's no way he'll cut it."
Tamakawa pointed out, "Everything that looks wasteful from the outside has its own meaning. Where things have been cut, various dissatisfaction will arise...if we really do it."
He also mentioned that "in terms of the economy, if tariffs are really raised, America will definitely become poorer," and added, "We have been enjoying the fruits of free trade up until now. So some people will become poorer. Then even some people who have supported President Trump up until now will start to have doubts," predicting that there will be complaints from supporters. "Not everyone is voting because they are supported by conspiracy theories. If we continue to push forward like this, I don't think it will last. I think there will be a course correction at some point."
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