Ayumi Ishida dies at age 76 from hypothyroidism "Blue Light Yokohama"
It was revealed on the 17th that actress Ayumi Ishida passed away on the 11th due to hypothyroidism. She was 76 years old. Her agency announced the news on their website.
Regarding the funeral, the company stated, "We would like to inform you that it was held only with close relatives." Regarding the farewell party, it was also stated that "in accordance with the wishes of the deceased, there are no plans to hold one."
Ishida was active as a figure skater when she was young. In 1964, she changed her stage name to Ishida Ayumi and began her entertainment career full-time.
As a singer, she released "Blue Light Yokohama" in 1968, which was a big hit. She also appeared at the The Kohaku Song Battle the following year. Other big hits included "What Would You Do If It Was You?" and "Desert Like Tokyo."
As an actor, he has appeared in such dramas as "Japan Sinks," "Eki Station," and the "Otoko wa Tsurai yo" series. She was also the model for the character Natsuko Iwata in the NHK morning drama "Teruteru Kazoku."
In her private life, she married actor Kenichi Hagiwara in 1980 but divorced four years later.
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