YOSHIKI's first press conference since returning from his third neck surgery: "It will take about a year to fully recover" and "I'm still in rehabilitation" - but he still looks healthy
X JAPAN's YOSHIKI held a premium dinner show press conference in Tokyo on the 21st. He had been recuperating from his third neck surgery in October last year, but on the 18th he performed for the first time since his surgery at the pre-game ceremony for the MLB opening game (Cubs vs. Dodgers) at Tokyo Dome. This was his first press conference since his return.
YOSHIKI appeared with a smile on his face wearing a black suit and red scarf. He showed his healthy appearance to his worried fans. Five months have passed since the surgery, but when asked about his current condition, he said, "My hands are still numb. I'm taking medicine to stop the numbness, but it will take about a year for me to fully recover. It will take a year for the artificial disc to become accustomed, so I'm still in rehabilitation."
He was originally scheduled to make his comeback at a dinner show this summer, but then he received an offer to perform at the ceremony at the MLB opening game, and he is preparing for it while consulting with his doctor and rehabilitation specialist. He plans to keep to a reasonable schedule going forward, and is enthusiastic, saying, "I want to make a full comeback around the time of the new year. I intend to play the drums on a big stage."
At the press conference, Yoshiki set up his signature crystal piano. When asked by the MC if he could play something, Yoshiki replied with a wry smile, sensing the atmosphere, "If there's a piano, I have to play something." He responded divinely by collecting songs from fans and playing X's signature song, "Kurenai." Surrounded by warm applause, Yoshiki smiled and said, "I'm happy to be able to play like this, and I feel supported. I feel like I'm alive because of it."
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