Sayuri Yoshinaga appeals for peace 80 years after the war: "There are things we must convey as Japanese people" - she recites a poem to a video of Ryuichi Sakamoto, who was still alive at the time
On the 21st, actress Sayuri Yoshinaga (80) attended the Tohoku Youth Orchestra Concert 2025, a Tohoku reconstruction support project launched by musician Ryuichi Sakamoto (who passed away in March 2023), in Tokyo, and performed a reading.
She personally searched through newspapers and books for poems about the disaster and thoughts about peace, and read them to the accompaniment of footage of Sakamoto playing piano when he was alive. "Until now, Sakamoto would listen to me read and add sound to it, but now that I can't do that, it was a lot of work to find Sakamoto's audio recordings and adjust the length (of the songs). I read them thinking that Sakamoto was giving me various instructions from heaven," she said.
For this concert, Ukrainian violinist Ilya Bondarenko made a special visit to Japan. The audience listened intently to his performance. "He's going through a difficult time, but he was very cheerful and interacted with us and the orchestra while playing a wonderful piece. I think Mr. Sakamoto was very happy," he said, impressed by his performance.
This year marks the 80th anniversary of the end of the war. Speaking with sixth graders from the youth orchestra, he said that the horrors of war must not be forgotten, and said, "I think it's important to share it little by little and let children know that such things happened in Japan."
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