NJZ activities not allowed: "South Korea seems to want us to be revolutionaries" New Jeans confesses their feelings to a US magazine

Korean girl group New Jeans, who announced that they would temporarily change their group name to "NJZ," gave an exclusive interview to the American weekly magazine TIME on the 22nd (local time) and candidly revealed their thoughts about the fact that the claims of their feuding entertainment production company ADOR were upheld in court, Korean media Sports Today and others reported.

Prior to this, ADOR had filed a petition for provisional injunction against New Jeans at the Seoul Central District Court to maintain the status of the agency and to prohibit them from entering into advertising contracts. On the 21st, MBC and other local media reported that the petition was accepted.

While the five members expressed disappointment at the court's decision, they also said they "don't expect the problems in the K-pop industry to change overnight."

"We are just at another stage in our journey compared to what we have experienced before," he said. "Maybe this is just the reality of South Korea. That's why we believe change and growth are necessary. It seems South Korea wants us to be revolutionaries."

Meanwhile, ADOR also stated their position to TIME magazine, saying, "It is unfortunate that the issue has escalated to the point of court action." "Once the members return, the misunderstanding will be properly resolved. Adore's goal is not to interfere with the artists' careers, but to allow them to continue working under their existing contracts."










  1. でかっ!ティファニーの巨大ダイヤ指輪♥贈られ…観月ありさ 社長夫と結婚10周年祝う ロマネコンティで乾杯

  2. 啓之輔の誕生会にブレイキングダウン人気メンバー大集結 主役はお持ち帰り否定「殴られ、飲まされ、歌わされ」手荒い祝福に感謝

  3. 広島・小園「いっぱい乗りまくります!」新車公開に反響「センス最高です」「マットブラック良いね」

  4. 夫は会社5つ経営、元SKE2児ママ28歳 衝撃のセレブ生活!超貴重エルメスずらり 衝撃家賃も明かす

  5. 武尊が呆然 衝撃の1回KO負け 悪夢のような80秒決着 “ムエタイの伝説”ロッタンの左フック2連発被弾で崩れ落ちる 宿命戦で無念

