Dodgers' main batter posts photo of himself with world's home run king, "Tokyo was great" social media "Thank you for coming to Japan"
Dodgers outfielder Teoscar Hernandez updated his Instagram on the 23rd. "Tokyo was great," he wrote, looking back with photos from the opening series, in which the team won two straight games against the Cubs at Tokyo Dome on the 18th and 19th.
Teoscar posted photos of himself high-fiving Pokemon during the pre-game player introductions, welcoming pitcher Shohei Ohtani, who hit the first home run of the season in Game 2, near the batter's box. He also posted photos of himself being congratulated with a sunflower seed shower during a pre-season game against the Giants, where he hit a home run, and a two-shot with the world's home run king, SoftBank Hawks' team president Sadaharu Oh.
Teoscar, who is the Dodgers' No. 4 hitter, received comments from his Japanese followers such as, "Please come to Japan again," "Your smile was lovely, so I wonder if you're enjoying Japan?" and "Thank you for coming to Japan."
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