“Foul Cup brp” from BD Impact Reveals the shocking story of his bravery. “Isn’t he wearing a baton?” Kai Asakura bursts out laughing.
A behind-the-scenes at the audition for ``Breaking Down 10'' (23rd), a martial arts event where Mikuru Asakura serves as president to decide who is the strongest in one minute, was released on Kai Asakura's YouTube channel on the 13th.
Seya, a senior from his junior high school days who showed his presence in the audition, appears. At the audition, he revealed that he had a complex about his crotch, and the size of his nether region caused Hinadan to say, ``It's so big...'' and he was given the nickname ``Foul Cup bro.''
When asked by Kai, ``I don't think the size of the crotch has anything to do with breaking down,'' Saya replied, ``I was betrayed by a woman in the past. I had some trauma, but I hope I can overcome it this time.'' Explain the reason for the challenge. When Kai revealed, ``He was really bad,'' he said, ``At the time, I didn't want to be looked down by my juniors.'' He then recalled, ``When the police questioned me about my job, they were like, ``Aren't you wearing a baton in your crotch?'' . I don't know if you can call this a story of bravery,'' Kai Asakura burst out laughing as he revealed the episode.
It has been decided that Seya will face the "rebellious bad boy" Leo in the first match on the 23rd.
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