Was he angry? The match was called off after ONE failed to make the weight, and the former K-1 champion criticized his opponent Kaito for some reason, saying, "He doesn't have the Japanese spirit," and "He should just go play tennis."

"ONE" (23rd, Saitama Super Arena)

On the 23rd, the martial arts organization ONE announced that the kickboxing rule match scheduled for the 8th match of the Japan tournament that day, between SB ace Kaito (27) and the first K-1 super welterweight champion Marat Grigorian (33) of Armenia, has been canceled. Grigorian was unable to submit a urine sample within the time limit at the weigh-in the day before, and then submitted one after the time limit but failed to weigh in. He further negotiated a catch weight, but the match was not made and was canceled.

In response to this, Kaito posted on his X, "Today's match has been cancelled. I'm sorry to everyone who was looking forward to it. It's really frustrating that I can't fight after preparing so much, and it's also frustrating to hear all this criticism from people who don't know anything about it. But I'm just going to keep moving forward towards becoming the strongest in the world. If I stay in this weight class, we'll meet again someday. When that happens, let me beat you when I'm in top condition," he said, apologizing and promising a rematch.

Meanwhile, Grigorian used Instagram's story function to write a long message, saying, "I'm sorry to say to all my fans and followers that I have some bad news. I weighed 69.5 kg this morning, but I had to keep drinking fluids for a hydration test (measuring urine specific gravity), and I ended up exceeding the limit by 350 grams!" One would think he would apologize, but then he suddenly changed direction to criticize Kaito, who for some reason did not accept the catch weight, saying, "The weight difference of 350 grams was too heavy for my opponent, so he (Kaito) declined the match!" He continued to criticize his opponent until the end, saying, "I apologize for not staying hydrated! (But) he does not have the fighting mentality of a real Japanese person (Yamato Spirit)! He would be better off playing tennis instead of martial arts!"







  1. 「止めるの早い」「ダメ-ジ明確」悪夢KO負けの武尊 慌てて立ち上がった姿に物議「カウントギリギリまで休もうと」「完全に意識飛んでた」

  2. 武尊が呆然 衝撃の1回KO負け 悪夢のような80秒決着 “ムエタイの伝説”ロッタンの左フック2連発被弾で崩れ落ちる 宿命戦で無念

  3. 啓之輔の誕生会にブレイキングダウン人気メンバー大集結 主役はお持ち帰り否定「殴られ、飲まされ、歌わされ」手荒い祝福に感謝

  4. 武尊、悪夢の80秒KO負け 解説の魔裟斗も絶句「まさか…。予想以上に早い幕切れ。驚いた」それでも「武尊がいたからONEが日本に」

  5. 「情けない姿をみせてしまって本当にすみませんでした」MMAデビュー戦完敗のBD女子選手が号泣 夫が優しく慰める 4児の母元RIZINガールに敗戦




  1. ドジャース エドマンの奥さんが選んだ日本のお菓子 まさかの干し梅に「チョイスが最高」観光場所もド軍奥さま絶賛「BONSAI」

  2. 辻希美 次男が卒業式、三男卒園式と同じ服&鞄で着回し 次男は長男おさがりスーツ「子供の成長は早すぎる」

  3. 「クジャクのダンス」提供モールスで犯人浮上も相関図にいない…意外人物2人「守の隣に誰が?」「何故か載ってない」謎の空白と関連か

  4. 「バイク似合いすぎ」朝倉未来のワイルドな姿に反響「センスが神っています!」

  5. ドジャース奥さま会メンバー 日本土産が大迫力!海外旅行者に大人気のお菓子爆買い 意外な小物も

