Shota Watanabe experiences a mysterious phenomenon while filming a horror movie starring him: "I thought it was definitely a ghost"
Snow Man's Shota Watanabe (32) appeared at a press conference in Tokyo on the 16th to announce the production of his starring movie, "Haunted Property Zoku: Scary Floorplan" (released July 25th).
Watanabe, who is starring in a film for the first time, talked about an impressive episode that occurred during filming, saying, "There is a line in the film that says, 'Don't blame everything on spirits,' and one day the lighting suddenly broke. I had never experienced lighting breaking on set. I thought it must be a ghost." He asked director Hideo Nakata (63), "Did you see it?" to which the director surprisingly replied, "I'm sorry, I don't remember."
Watanabe laughed and said, "I thought, 'It's a ghost, this is bad,' but then I read in the script, 'Don't blame everything on spirits."
However, he also showed a different way of thinking, saying, "It can also be blamed on spirits." He apologized with a wry smile, saying, "I lied once when I was a few minutes late (to the scene), saying, 'I was paralyzed and couldn't wake up.' In reality, I just overslept a little. 'Everyone, what? Are you serious?' (They believed me)."
Actress Mei Hata (22) and actor Kotaro Yoshida (66) appeared at the press conference. Kazuya Kamenashi (39), a member of KAT-TUN who appeared in the series "Haunted Property: Scary Floorplan" in 2020, also sent a video message.
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