Waseda Jitsugyo alumnus Sadaharu Oh praises his alma mater, which won the first round, for "winning" and for the dynamic pitching and batting of ace Nakamura, "You did a great job."
"First round of the National High School Baseball Championship, Waseda Jitsugyo 8-2 Takamatsu Commercial High School" (22nd, Koshien Stadium)
This was the first match between the two old powerhouses in 101 years since the first Senbatsu tournament in 1924, and the first match in 100 years since the summer final in 1925, including the summer tournament. Waseda Jitsugyo won the match and advanced to the first round. They had lost both of their previous two matches, but they were able to get revenge in their third match. This was their first spring victory in eight years since 2017.
SoftBank's team president and special team advisor, Sadaharu Oh, an alumnus of Waseda Jitsugyo High School, who was in attendance to watch the game, said, "It's good they won. The first game is always nerve-wracking." He also praised ace pitcher Nakamura, who pitched well that day, allowing four hits and three RBIs, and giving up one run and striking out eight batters in eight innings, saying, "Nakamura did a great job. He was a good hitter as well."
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