Yumi Matsutoya: 40 years after the death of Naoki Uemura, monument to song "Star Climber" erected
Singer-songwriter Yumi Matsutoya (71) attended the unveiling ceremony of the "Star Climber" monument at the Naomi Uemura Adventure Museum in Toyooka City, Hyogo on the 17th. As part of the 40th anniversary of the death of adventurer Naomi Uemura, a monument to the song "Star Climber" created by Matsutoya was installed at the museum. She paid tribute to the great adventurer.
Matsutoya had a close friend who was an adventurer who passed away at a young age. She showed great respect for adventurers, even flying to the site to support her when she participated in the Paris-Dakar Rally. She had heard stories about Uemura from his close friend, who was also a friend of him, and wrote the lyrics for the song "Star Climber" with Uemura in mind.
With support from all over the country, the monument was erected. Matsutoya, who attended the unveiling ceremony, commented, "The song is my child, so as a parent, it is my wish that it will be shared with so many people in faraway places in this way. I am also moved that I feel like I can share in at least a little of Naoki Uemura's memory. I feel like I have experienced a part of the adventure that Uemura aimed for, and I strongly feel that it is fate that I am here today."
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