Dodgers' Kiké Hernández's beautiful wife is thrilled with Japanese hospitality, says "Thank you for giving me this" to her eldest daughter
Mariana Hernandez, wife of Kiké Hernandez, known as the Dodgers' most stylish and party-loving guy, posted a new picture on her Instagram on the 14th. She revealed that she received a nice present for her eldest daughter at a coffee shop they visited.
In the morning, her husband Kike went to Shibuya to appear at an event. He walked through the streets of Shibuya, guarded by staff and surrounded by Taisei of fans pointing their cameras at him. While accompanying him, Mariana went to a coffee shop with her eldest daughter. There, she revealed, "The cute girl at the coffee shop gave this to Bae (her eldest daughter)♥."
In the photo, there was a piece of paper folded into a heart shape with the Japanese word "Thank you" written on it. Afterwards, he described his eldest daughter, who was excited about Chiikawa's MLB gachapon machine, as "the happiest girl." He also introduced a present he received for his family at the shop.
Mariana was Miss Universe Puerto Rico in 2010. She did not board the team flight for this year's opening series in Japan, but instead came to Japan on a separate flight with her eldest daughter.
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