Who is this handsome guy? The Dodgers return to Japan and post their memories of Tokyo, catching people's attention with a player who looks just like Orlando Bloom
The Dodgers, who finished their opening series against the Cubs at Tokyo Dome, arrived in Los Angeles on the 20th (19th local time). After enjoying donuts, Mexican food and other home-style dishes, the players and their wives took a break and started posting and sharing their memories of the Tokyo Series on social media.
Eric Yarbrough, the coach, posted a commemorative photo with Sadaharu Oh with the caption "Tokyo Series." In addition to photos of him and his beautiful wife strolling around Tsukiji, eating delicious-looking steak on rice, the neon-lit cityscape, and his wife in a beautiful kimono, he also posted a photo of the five of them together with James Outman and Alex Bethia couple, who came to Japan alone after the birth of their first child last year.
Just before he came to Japan, Outman was announced to be demoted to 3A, but in this photo, which was probably taken at a hotel bar or restaurant shortly after his arrival in Japan, he is smiling brightly. With his softly wavy long hair and a sweet face that resembles popular actor Orlando Bloom, Outman is a popular player in Japan, and some people may think for a moment, "Who is this guy on the far left? Is he a Hollywood star?!"
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