Shohei Ohtani thanks his teacher Yoshinobu Yamamoto: "Thank you for the masterpiece, teacher." He posted a photo of the three Bizen ware pieces he received as gifts and a bowl for Dekopin
On the 23rd, Dodgers pitcher Shohei Ohtani posted on his new Instagram story. He wrote, "A masterpiece by Professor Yoshinobu Yamamoto. Thank you Professor," and posted photos of three Bizen ware pieces that appear to have been gifts from his colleague, Decoy, as well as a picture of a tableware with a forehead pin.
In January, Yamamoto posted on Instagram about her off-season training, writing, "I went back to my hometown, enjoyed the beautiful starry sky, and made some Bizen ware, so it was a fulfilling off-season," along with a video of her turning a potter's wheel and a photo of her shaping pottery.
The three dishes are engraved with the kanji characters "Shohei" on the larger one, and "Yori" next to it. The smaller one is inscribed with "OHTANI 17," and is thought to be for the Otani family, whose new member will soon be growing. The name "DECOY" is inscribed on the Dekopin dish.
Yamamoto also responded on her own Instagram, quoting the January post and Otani's post and reporting, "The plate I made this time is →" and "It's finished."
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