Professional baseball: Casino patrons will be fined; 12 teams finalize policy
In response to the issue of illegal online casino users in professional baseball, 12 teams have decided to impose fines on players who gamble in cases of simple gambling that is not addictive, according to an interview with a related persons on the 22nd. An announcement is expected to be made in the near future. This is thought to be to bring the matter to a certain conclusion before the opening of the Central and Pacific Leagues on the 28th.
On the 21st, during administrative negotiations with the Nippon Professional Baseball Organization (NPB), the Japanese Professional Baseball Players Association conveyed their request that the punishment for players who uses the service be a fine, rather than a suspension from games or self-restraint from activities.
Following the revelation of Orix Buffaloes pitcher Taisuke Yamaoka's use of the service, the NPB requested that each team investigate its players and staff, resulting in 14 new reports from players and staff from seven teams.
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